Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Message From HalfHope

Hello fellow tributes, Little Miss Mionie here. As per request of the lovely Halfhope, we've pulled the fics from our GDrive. HalfHope has also sent everyone a wonderful and heartfelt message she'd like us to share with you:

"I'm very sorry to everyone. Your support and love for my writing was amazing and something I never expected and honestly I didn't really feel like I deserved. It was a hard decision that I struggled with for a long time. But my fanfiction had been distracting me from developing my dream of becoming an original, published author, because the payoff was more immediate than that of my own original work. I pulled everything down because I didn't want more reviews coming up and tempting me to get into fanfiction again. In order to move forward, I had to remove everything. I'm so sorry that I'm so weak I had to take it to these extremes.

It was my readers who kept me at it for so long, and what made the decision so hard. I felt selfish at times, and I hate knowing I've made people upset. But it was what was best for me. And I hope, eventually, I'll get to share my writing with you again, but with my own characters and world. 

Thank you for all of your kind words and support. And once again, I'm sorry."

On behalf of your fans, Halfhope, we thank you for all your wonderful writing - there's no need to apologise. We wish you all the best with your future writing endeavours.

Happy reading,
Little Miss Mionie

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