
Project Team Beta: a volunteer group of knowledgeable beta proofreaders who provide technical and creative feedback to authors of fan fiction.
TwiMuses: A Twilight fanfic rec site
The Vivacity Blog: A YA collab blog

Nightlock Podcast: A Hunger Games podcast discussing the books, movies and fanfics
loavesofbread: a livejournal community for the pairing of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark
Giggle/Snort Files: an archive site dedicated to original and fan fiction in the humour genre

Boy With The Snares: a fanblog and tumblr for fans of Gale Hawthorne
SparklyRedPen: a beta, reader and feedback service for fanfic authors

Starvation: a forum featuring monthly one shot challenges and a quarter quell of multichapter fic contest

Bread and Circuses: a livejournal that hosts monthly ficathons and fic challenges with prompts (ficathon entries archived here)

Random Fandom: a site for fanfiction readers and writers from all fandoms.