Friday, May 4, 2012

Farewell, Amata Le Fay! (New Staff Opening)

Unfortunately today, fellow tributes, we at Nightlock are saying goodbye a much beloved staff member - Amata Le Fay. Amata has been with Nightlock from the start, and I know I am so grateful for all the hard work and support she's done for this site. Amata really helped Nightlock to grow and become what it has today. She has been a fantastic reccer, recommending both Authors of the Month and Self-Promotion Sundays. Amata will be very much missed: we wish you all the best with everything, both in real life and in the THG fandom!

This means that Nightlock will be needing someone who can fill Amata's hella awesome shoes in recommending an author every month, and posting the self-promotion sundays post whenever someone feels like pimping out their fics. If you'd be interested, please email with your fandom penname, link to an ff/lj/A03/twitter account and any other info you think would be relevant, such as abilities, connections and avaliability.

You can see all of Amata's wonderful past posts via this tag.

~ Little Miss Mionie

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