Saturday, October 8, 2011

October's Author of the Month: Penelope Wendy Bing

Our October Author of the Month is none other than the marvelous Penelope Wendy Bing!

You might recognize Pen from the site's first "Weekly Fan's Fic Rec," where I (this was before I joined Nightlock) recommended her poem "Brokens". Well, not only does she write magnificent poetry, she does an amazing job with prose. Her characterizations are great and she writes in a way that is not only elegant, but accessible. You can really connect to her stories, which is just as vital in the THG fandom as it is anywhere else. To prove my point, here is an excerpt from Funny Little Fruit, a hilarious little story with a refreshing twist:

The Yellow Top set the little bag down. Strange animals. They walked on only two legs and seemed determined to kill each other. If the apple had a head, it would have shaken it.
The Black Top made some strange noise at the Yellow Top. Maybe they were some strange sort of carrot. Carrots had fluffy tops too. But carrots didn't walk around or kill other carrots.
Black Top disappeared. Yellow Top stood for a moment before moving to pick berries from a bush.
"Yoohoo! Apple!"
Ugh. That terrible cheese again. Thought it was so cool.
"Just wait until you start to stink." Apple sniffed, but the cheese just laughed.
"You're looking a little pulpy today, apple. And is that a bruise? Tsk tsk, you've really let yourself go." The cheese cackled.
The apple scrutinized the cheese. How it did this without eyes was a mystery even to the apple. But that didn't matter. Oh, how it hated that cheese. If only Yellow and Black would take just one more lunch break.
Yellow deposited a layer of berries around the apple.
Inspiration struck. A food's destiny was to be eaten. Who was to say that an apple couldn't help that along?

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